Saturday, February 18, 2012

Picture of Joy.  10 things I love on a daily basis watching Zoe do these days...
  1. Wanting to be chased around the house, and looking over her shoulder to see if we are coming after her. ( the only bad part is she doesn't always look ahead to see where she is going and runs into the wall!)
  2. Trying her hardest to totally communicate with me, but really she is the only one who knows what she is saying.
  3. Flips through books as if she is really reading them, she LOVES books.
  4. She has got "Pwweeaase" down pat and says it while pointing with two fingers at what she wants, hard at times to refrain from everything she wants by saying please!
  5. Imitates me by putting her hands in hair to wash her hair in the bathtub.
  6. Loves to climb, especially at the park, and watches other kids to see what to do next.
  7. Eating strawberries, hummus, and grapes are about her ultimate favorite foods.
  8. While at the zoo, she has no fear of the giraffes and feeding them.  She grabs lettuce and goes at it at feeding them.
  9. She has started being a lot more cuddly when going to bed, I love every little bit of her laying her head on my shoulder as I walk her to her room.
  10. Watching Zoe play with Jack, my best friend's little one who is about a year older than her is priceless.  She wants to do everything he is doing and be right in his business, and smiles the whole time!

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